Special exhibitions 새파란 아이들 2022 제15회 전주국제사진제에 여러분을 초대합니다.
기획: 임안나, 김지민
전국대학연합 초대전< 새파란아이들 >
전주국제사진제는 15회를 맞이하면서 대학작가들의 교류 장을 마련하였다. 한국의 4개 대학들과 싱가포르의 NTU Singapore, 미국의 EYES ON MAIN STREET RESIDENCY 학생작가들의 참여를 통해 작업을 선보이고 소통하는 기회를 만들고자 한다. 임안나, 이원철, 김도균, 손영실, 오순화교수가 선정한 작품들로 구성되며, 본인들의 전시를 선보이는 것뿐만 아니라, 전시 기간 중 만나보기 어려운 작가들의 작업을 직접 보고 즐기는 좋은 기회가 될 것이다.
National University Federation Exhibition < Blue Children >
The Jeonju International Photography Festival marked its 15th anniversary with setting the stage for university students to exchange. Through the participation of Korean universities, NTU Singapore in Singapore, and EYES ON MAIN STREET RESIDENCY in the United States, we would like to create opportunities to present and communicate students' work. Not only presenting their own artworks, but also it will be a good opportunity to see and enjoy the works of artists who are difficult to meet during the exhibition period. It will be a good opportunity to communicate with various artists as well as the main exhibitionist Choi Kwang-ho, the general planner Sung Nam-hoon, and artist Lim Anna.
“Fin” The Print Room, Kuala Lumpur, August 2019 (Group)
Artrooms Roma, Church village hotel, Rome. March 2019
“State of mind”, The Print Room, Kuala Lumpur, February 2019 (Solo)
Artrooms Seoul, Riverside hotel, Seoul, October 2018
Art Expo Malaysia plus, Mitra trade, Kuala Lumpur, October 2018
Art Expo Malaysia plus, Mitra trade, Kuala Lumpur, October 2017
Encore, The Print Room, Kuala Lumpur, April 2017 (Group)
Village/Up your alley (Joint exhibition) Art space 1, Penang, September 2015 (Group)
Twisted Life, The Print Room, Kuala Lumpur, June 2015 (Group)
“Village”, The Print Room, Kuala Lumpur, April 2015 (Group)
Up your alley, The Print Room, Kuala Lumpur, September 2014 (Group)
“It’s still life…” China House, Penang, September 2014 (Group)
“It’s still life…” Reka Art space, Penang, August 2014 (Group)
Body, The Print Room, Kuala Lumpur, May 2014 (Group)
Art Collaboration, A-collection + Gallery Topic, Seoul, March 2014 (Group)
“It’s still life…” The Print Room, Kuala Lumpur, November 2013 (Group)
48, The Print Room, Kuala Lumpur, June 2013 (Group)
Within these walls, China House, Penang February 2013 (Group)
Within these walls, The Print Room, Kuala Lumpur December 2012 (Group)
Market, China House, Penang, 2012 (Group)
Market, The Print Room, Kuala lumpur, July 2012 (Group)
Five Minutes, China House, Penang February 2012 (Solo)
10, The Print Room, Kuala Lumpur, October 2011 (Group)
Five Minutes, The Print Room, Kuala Lumpur July 2011 (Solo)
Arts & Earth KL PAC, Kuala Lumpur 2006 (Group)
Home of Peace Orphanage, Charity Exhibition, BSC, Kuala Lumpur 2006 (Solo)
BLINK, Darling Muse, Kuala Lumpur 2005 (Group)
When I Grow Up…! In Aid of National Cancer Society Malaysia, BSC, KL 2004 (Solo)
COLOUR, Stonor Centre, Kuala Lumpur 2003 (Solo)
PIGS MIGHT FLY, Centro Cultural, Mallorca 1994 (Solo)